Friday, March 24, 2006

H2O, Not Drinkable

Got myself a new pair of specs recently. A pricey pair from H2O.

Front view
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Yep, it's pink/purple/fused. I know, not exactly my type of color (at first thought), but who would've thought it would fit me so well? This one is meant for me. Special features - a supposedly antique-like carvings on the side of the rims. They say it's the in thing.

Side view
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Comparison with my old specs
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Older one (below) was really bulky compared to the new one (above). I guess color can really lighten up your features! Who says purple is gay?

Where did I get them?
  • The Ophthalmic Services, Kuching (located behind Sarawak Plaza)
  • cost me RM300
  • Pricey is the word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah! jiak lak ar! RM300??? O.o'''